Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving vacation

I have had the last four days off from work for Thanksgiving and I have truly enjoyed it. Wednesday night we stayed at my hubby's mother and step-father's house. Thursday morning we helped get all the food cooked and prepped. Greg had to work so we had our meal at 1. Then Friday greg and I got our Christmas decorations up. We needed new lights for our tree. So that is the only thing  that is not done.  Last night we had dinner with the hubby's father, brother and his family. Today we are celebrating with my parents. I love spending time with family. It isn't always about the food, but meals certainly do bring us together.

Greg's birthday is Tuesday and I have the day off to spend with him. We have our 16 week check up on Thursday.  After our appointment I will have a pregnancy update!


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thirteen week update

Another month has gone by and I am finally starting to feel better. The nausea has gone and the heartburn is if I eat something with a lot of tomatoes in it. The worst thing right now is the acne. I feel like a teenager again. For the most part I feel good.  As far as cravings go I am really enjoying fruit loops. I have occasional cravings, but nothing that is going to make me go crazy. At our Dr appointment we got to hear the heartbeat. We also found out that in January we will be able to find out what we are having.

So that is it for now. I will try to do more updates. 

Love, J

Friday, October 11, 2013

New Chapter

Hello Everyone,

With the temperatures dropping, the colors of the leaves changing, and Greg and I have recently found out that our lives are going to be changing in 7 months.  We are expecting our first child due in May 2014!  Our first doctor's appointment was yesterday.  Greg went with me and he was very excited.  My doctor said that my labs came back great, she answered some questions, and we are scheduling an ultra sound for next week. 

Our families are excited and so are we.  I am hoping for a girl and if you know me... I will love this child no matter the gender!  I have been reading other mother's blogs and scouring Pinterest for ideas.  We have our themes picked out.  If we are having a boy we are going to use a nautical theme and if we are having a girl we are going to be using owls.  So far we have agreed on a girl's name, but have not picked the final boys name. 

Many people are saying that it is too early for us to be making some of these decisions, but I am a planner.  I make To - Do list and I have notebook after notebook for my life events.  I have started a baby journal.  I am trying to keep track of how I am feeling, my thoughts, my hopes and what not. 

I know that this isn't the greatest picture, but I will be more prepared next time.  Like I said I have been reading a lot of mommy blogs and it has given me ideas on how they do monthly/weekly updates on their baby bumps.

How Far: 8 weeks
Maternity Clothes: I bought a few... thinking that I will need more soon.
Sleep: Not enough. I toss and turn all night long
Miss anything: Sleep
Food Cravings: Big Macs, but I can't have them - Food Allergies :(
Symptoms: Acne, nausea,  and heartburn
Wedding ring: On, but feeling a little snug.

I will add more as I go along, but right now I think that this is enough information for everyone!

Love ,


Sunday, June 2, 2013

June Bucket List

So last month I created a bucket list for May.  There were ten items and life became a little crazier then  what I expected.  I am going to try ten again this month! 

June 2013:

1.  I want to lose another five pounds
2. I want to complete two more craft projects
3. I want to start a family
4.  I want to finish my book that I started in May. 
5.  I want to get a head of the game in my Relay for Life project.
6. Be a more consistent blogger
7. Lay out at night star gaze
8. Get caught up at work
9. Change around the furniture in our apartment
10. I want to revamp a t-shirt...somehow

Wish me luck!  I will try and update more throughout the month of how things are going. 

Keep smiling, love more and stay true, 


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Two more off of the list

So here are two more off of this months bucket list. Today I downloaded the Nike running application. So far I like it. My end goal is to lose 70 pounds. I have made small goals along the way, so I don't get discouraged.

I bought Wuthering Heights last weekend and I started reading it  tonight. I only read one I might not be able to cross it off the list

Sunday, May 5, 2013

One off the bucket list

I went to visit my parents last night while G. Was at work and it was a gorgeous I thought why not walk outside. So I left my shoes on my parents deck and took a walk in the yard. It must be something about their yard because it felt like all my stress and worries left my body. So off to completing more of my list.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May's bucket list

Today I read a blog and the writer made a list of ten things that she wanted to complete in May. When I was on my run/jog I realized that I wanted to do this. So  here it goes.
1. Try five new recipes
2. Lost 5+ pounds
3. Blog more/get more readers
4. Be happier
5. Stop drinking soda
6. Complete three diy projects
7. Walk barefoot in the grass

8. Hang out with my friends and family more
9. Try 5 new recipes
10. Jog at least every othet day
Here is my first mini bucket list. I will update during May.